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Spectral Clustering | Transformations

Applying Transformation with and without Spectral Clustering

It is also possible to find other methods to change the dimensionality of the data. First, let's take a look at a dataset that consists of an inner circle and an outer ring. Spectral Clustering is able to classify the data.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_circles

# Generate data set
X_1, y_1 = make_circles(n_samples=(300, 100), shuffle=True, noise=0.05, factor=0.1, random_state=3)

# Plot data set
X_1[:, 0], X_1[:, 1],
c='black', marker='o',
edgecolor='white', s=50

# Building the clustering model spectral_model_nn = SpectralClustering(n_clusters = 2, affinity ='nearest_neighbors') # Training the model and Storing the predicted cluster labels labels_nn = spectral_model_nn.fit_predict(X_1) plt.scatter(X_1[:, 0], X_1[:, 1], c = labels_nn, edgecolor='white', cmap plt.grid()

Alternatively, we can apply a transformation to the data set ourselves to reduce the dimensionality. For the dataset above, we can find the distance to the center (0,0) in this case. This transforms the dataset to one-dimensional space and the data becomes linearly separable. We can then apply K-Means to get the clusters.

import numpy as np
import copy

# Distance to 0,0
X_1_np = np.array(X_1) # points in dataset
dist = (X_1_np[:, 0] ** 2 + X_1_np[:, 1] ** 2) ** 0.5 # get distance to zero
dist_coord = np.array(list(zip(dist, np.zeros(dist.shape))))

# Plot
plt.scatter(dist_coord[:,0], dist_coord[:,1],
c = 'black', edgecolor='white', cmap

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# K-Means with Visualization
km = KMeans(
n_clusters=2, init='random',
n_init=10, max_iter=300,
tol=1e-04, random_state=0

y_km = km.fit_predict(dist_coord) plt.scatter(dist_coord[y_km == 0,0], dist_coord[y_km == 0, 1], label = 'cluster 1', edgecolor='white', cmap plt.scatter(dist_coord[y_km == 1,0], dist_coord[y_km == 1, 1], label = 'cluster 2', edgecolor='white', cmap plt.legend(scatterpoints=1) plt.grid()

# Apply labels determined by K-Means back to the origional data set

plt.scatter(X_1[y_km == 0,0], X_1[y_km == 0, 1],
label = 'cluster 1', edgecolor='white', cmap
plt.scatter(X_1[y_km == 1,0], X_1[y_km == 1, 1],
label = 'cluster 2', edgecolor='white', cmap

TASK: Choose two features from the wine dataset which are appropriate for clustering and apply spectral clustering on the data based on those two features.

Don't forget to normalize the input data using a pipeline like we have done in previous notebooks. Check the SVM notebook for an example.

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