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QGIS | Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS)

> Objective

  • This section explains what WMS and WFS are and what the difference is between these two services  

  • This section shows how to add WMS and WFS connections   

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • WMS/WFS connections  

    • Web Map Service (WMS)  

    • Difference between WMS and WFS 

  • QGIS installation  

> Summary and Highlights


Geographical data can also be accessed by connecting to a server. This is possible by using web services. This section covers on the Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS), which are the services most commonly used. Using these web services saves memory space, since the data do not need to be downloaded, and allows the users to always have up-to-date data. While WMS mainly focuses on raster image, WFS focuses more on vector data. 


WMS/WFS connections  

Web Map Service (WMS) 

Difference between WMS and WFS  

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links 

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare


Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie) YouTube channel 

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel 

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website)  

Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe) YouTube channel


Erik Meerburg. (2021, June 28). I03 WMS WFS inladen [Video]. YouTube.

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