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QGIS | Symbology

> Objective

  • The students will learn how to style vector and raster layers 

  • This section shows how to style pointcloud data 

  • The students will learn how to create map themes 

  • The students will also learn about how to create symbols and labels 

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • Styling basics for vector layers  

    • Specific styling methods for vector layers  

    • Styling basics for raster layers  

    • Add hillshades to raster layers  

    • Styling methods for pointcloud data  

    • Raster and vector classification 

    • Map themes  

    • Symbols  

    • Labels  

  • QGIS installation  

> Summary and Highlights


The symbology of a layer refers to the visual appearance of a layer, which is very important to inform the users about the relevant information illustrated on the map. First, some tutorials are listed on how to style vector, raster and pointcloud layers. Then, the creation of map themes is addressed, which enables the users to easily switch from one map style to another one. The creation of labels and symbols are also covered at the end of this section.   


Styling basics for vector layers  

  • Style data and create maps   Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group): “Urbanism GIS Course 3: Styling data and creating maps”  Language(s): English  Time: 10min 31s  

  • Style a map showing the distribution of renewable and non-renewable fuels used in all power plants in the World   Ujaval Gandhi: “Basic Vector Styling (QGIS3)”/”Basis opmaken van vectoren (QGIS3)”  Language(s): English, Dutch   Chapters: overview of the task, get the data, procedure  EN:   NL:  

  • Style vector layers and store them and their styles in a GeoPackage   Hans van der Kwast: “Styling vector layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 19min 28s   Chapters: GeoPackage (start-4:50), QuickMap services (4:50-7:30), layer styling panel (7:30-15:10), exporting styling (15:10-end)  

  • Style a river line vector and add curved labels   Hans van der Kwast: “Style and Label Line Vector Layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 27s   

  • Style lake polygons and add labels   Hans van der Kwast: “Style and Label Polygon Vector Layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 3s   Chapters: intro (start-0:20), styling (0:20-1:30), label (1:30-end)  

  • Change the symbology of vector and raster layers   TOI-pedia: “Changing layer symbology”  Language(s): English  Chapters: introduction, changing vector symbology (basic styling, categorised styling, changing raster symbology, singleband gray, singleband pseudocolor, changing transparency, raster toolbar) 

  • Create the symbology of a vector layer   QGIS Training manual: “2.4. Symbology”  Language(s): English  Chapters: changing colors, changing symbol structure, scale-based visibility, adding symbol layers, ordering symbol levels, symbol layer types, generator symbology, creating a custom SVF fill  

  • Download, style and label cities and towns from OpenStreetMap   Hans van der Kwast: “Download, Style and Label Cities and Towns from OpenStreetMap”  Language(s): English  Time: 4min 30s 

  • Introduction symbology  Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe): “intro kaartopmaak in QGIS”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 10min 48s  

Specific styling methods for vector layers  

  • Generate lines and add neon effects to a map   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “Neon effect toevoegen en geometrie generator gebruiken”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 8min 43s 

  • Symbolize point data with circles   Hans van der Kwast: “Symbolizing Point Data with Circles of Varying Size in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 10min 27s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:30), importing the data (0:30-2:12), styling the data (2:12-end)  

  • Use the inverted polygon shapeburst fills method to highlight a study area   Hans van der Kwast: “Inverted Polygon Shapeburst Fill In QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 8s   

  • Create a funny Lego map of the elevation in a catchment  Hans van der Kwast: “Create a LEGO Style Map of Elevation in a Catchment with QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 12min 41s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:29), create a regular grid (0:29-2:45), style the grid (2:45-3:18), refine the styling (3:18-6:03), change the units (6:03-end)  

Styling basics for raster layers  

  • Style and renders raster layers   Hans van der Kwast: “Use the Layer Styling Panel to Style and Render Rasters in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 16min 47s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:59), singleband gray renderer (0:59-4:15), singleband pseudocolor renderer (4:15-8:31), hillshade renderer (8:31-10:05), contours renderer (10:05-12:32), style discrete raster with the paletted/unique values renderer (12:32-13:44), style ordinal rasters with the paletted/unique values renderer (13:44-15:55), raster legends in the print layout (15:55-end) 

  • Create a thematic map of the global population change between 2000 and 2010   Ujaval Gandhi: “Basic Raster Styling and Analysis (QGIS3)”/”Basis opmaken en analyses van rasters (QGIS3)”  Language(s): English, Dutch   Chapters: overview of the task, get the data, procedure  EN:  NL: 

  • Change the symbology of vector and raster layers   TOI-pedia: “Changing layer symbology”  Language(s): English  Chapters: introduction, changing vector symbology (basic styling, categorised styling, changing raster symbology, singleband gray, singleband pseudocolor, changing transparency, raster toolbar) 

  • Change the symbology of a raster layer  QGIS Training manual: “7.2. Changing Raster Symbology”  Language(s): English  Chapters: changing raster layer symbology, singleband gray, singleband pseudocolor, changing the transparency  

Add hillshades to raster layers  

Hillshades helps to visualise the relief of the terrain by using light and shadows. 

Styling methods for pointcloud data  

  • Sample RGB values from an orthophoto to visualise a pointcloud with realistic colours   Hans van der Kwast: “Sample colours from an orthophoto to visualise a pointcloud in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 5min 19s  

Raster and vector data classification 

Map themes 

Map themes enable the users to easily switch from one map style to another one.

  • Create map themes   Hans van der Kwast: “Map themes in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 1min 55s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:10), adding a map theme (0:10-0:29), sentinel false color (0:29-0:47), offline theme (0:47-1:00), online theme (1:00-1:22), conclusion (1:22-end)\  

  • Create map themes   Hans van der Kwast: “Create Map Themes in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 1min 32s


Symbols help to easily identify features on a map.  


Labels provide information by text and help identify features on a map.  

  • Apply useful and good-labels to a layer   QGIS Training manual: “3.1. Labels”  Language(s): English  Chapters: follow along: using labels, follow along: changing label options, follow along: using labels instead of layer symbology, try yourself customize the labels, follow along: labelling lines, follow along: data defined settings, try yourself using data defined settings, further possibilities with labelling, in conclusion, what’s next   

  • Create simple impressive labels   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “Complexe labels maken in QGis”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 9min 17s  

  • Create labels   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “S04 Labels”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 9min 59s  

  • Style elevation peaks using SVG symbols and add labels   Hans van der Kwast: “Style and Label Point Vector Layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 36s    

  • Style a river line vector and add curved labels   Hans van der Kwast: “Style and Label Line Vector Layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 27s   

  • Style lake polygons and add labels   Hans van der Kwast: “Style and Label Polygon Vector Layers in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 3s   Chapters: intro (start-0:20), styling (0:20-1:30), label (1:30-end)  

  • Download, style and label cities and towns from OpenStreetMap   Hans van der Kwast: “Download, Style and Label Cities and Towns from OpenStreetMap”  Language(s): English  Time: 4min 30s 

  • Add a logo as label   Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe): “Logo’s plaatsen als labelachtergrond”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 9min 4s

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links 

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Erik Meerburg (3D geoinformation research group) 

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website) 

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel 


Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie) YouTube channel

Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe) YouTube channel

#QGIS, #Styling, #Symbology, #Map themes, #Vector data, #Raster data, #Poincloud data, #OpenStreetMap, #Symbols, #Labels, #Hillshades, #GeoServer 

Erik Meerburg. (2021, June 16). Urbanism GIS Course 3: Styling data and creating maps [Video]. YouTube.

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