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QGIS | Print layout

> Objective

  • This section contains information on how to use the print layout function  

  • This section shows how to create a printable map  

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • Print layout  

    • Legend  

    • Scale bar  

    • North arrow  

    • Title  

    • Descriptive text  

    • Locator map  

  • QGIS installation  

> Summary and Highlights


This section shows how to prepare a map to be exportable as a PDF or an image and/or to be printable. Therefore, the print layout function is used. The following tutorials explain how to use this function and how to add different features such as legend, scale bar or title to a map.  




  • Add custom legend patch shapes   Hans van der Kwast: “Add custom legend patch shapes to a catchment map in the QGIS print layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 10min 12s   Chapters: introduction (start-0:52), import custom legend patches (0:52-2:14), add legend patch shapes (2:14-3:04), copy features (3:04-5:30), add elevation legend (5:30-9:32), finishing touches (9:32-end) 

  • Add legend patch shapes   Hans van der Kwast: “Adding Legend Patch Shapes to the QGIS Print Layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 9s 

  • Create and save a legend patch shape  Hans van der Kwast: “Create Custom Legend Patch Shapes in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2min 36s  Chapters: intro (start-0:30), add legend patch shape (0:30-1:00), save legend patch shape (1:00-end) 

  • Add raster legends with colour ramps  Hans van der Kwast: “Add raster legends to the print layout of QGIS 3.18”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 18s 

  • Add a simple legend for vector layers    Hans van der Kwast: “Add a Legend for Vector Layers to the QGIS Print Layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 59s 

  • Add a legend for a continuous raster   Hans van der Kwast: “Add a Legend for a Continuous Raster in the QGIS Print Layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 1min 57s 

  • Add a collapsed legend   Hans van der Kwast: “Create a Print Layout with a Collapsed Legend in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 9min 4s  

  • Add a legend  Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe): “Legenda bij de kaart”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 9min 13s  

Scale Bar  

North Arrow  


Descriptive text  

Locator Map  

  • Add a locator map   Hans van der Kwast: “Add a Locator Map to the QGIS Print Layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 3min 20s  Chapters: intro (start-0:16), add country boundaries (0:16-1:05), style country boundaries (1:05-end) 

Design maps 

  • Design a catchment map   Hans van der Kwast: “How to design a catchment map in the print layout of QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 9min 20s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:32), create a new print layout (0:32-1:45), design the map (1:45-3:32), add a legend (3:32-7:22), add text (7:22-end)   

  • Design a catchment map   Hans van der Kwast: “QGISHydro Webinar 7: Map Design”  Language(s): English  Time: 1h 22min 59s   Chapters: start of QGISHydro Webinar 7 (start-5:29), introduction map design demo (5:29-8:19), start demo map design by Kurt Menke (8:19-16:19), set up print layout (16:19-21:42), add a legend to the print layout (21:42-25:04), add a scale bar to the print layout (25:04-26:22), add a north arrow to the print layout (26:22-35:30), add a locator map (35:30-44:47), add a continuous raster legend (ramp) (44:47-52:16), Q&A (52:16-57:20), demo by Nyall Dawson (57:20-1:23:48), shameless plugs (1:23:48-end) 

  • Create a catchment boundary layer for the legend   Hans van der Kwast: “Create a Catchment Boundary Layer for the Legend in the QGIS Print Layout”  Language(s): English  Time: 53s  

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links 

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel

Erik Meerburg (Geogoeroe) YouTube channel

#QGIS, #Print Layout, #Legend, #Scale bar, #North arrow, #Title, #Descriptive text, #Locator map  

Hans van der Kwast. (2018, December 18). Print Layout in QGIS 3 [Video]. YouTube.

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