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QGIS | Exporting and/or saving data 

> Objective

  • This section contains information on how to export and save projects, layers, and styles in different formats.  

> Index / Table of Contents

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s) 

    • GeoPackage  

    • Adobe Illustrator 

    • TIFF 

    • Rhino 

    • Qgz 

    • QML 

    • SLD 

    • XML 

    • PNG 

    • PDF 

  • QGIS installation  

> Summary and Highlights


Projects, layers and styles can be saved and exported in different formats. The following tutorials demonstrate how to do this.   



GeoPackage is a database container supporting direct use. The data can be accessed and edited without intermediate format translations. 

  • Save layer in Geopackage   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “O01 Opslaan van een laag in een geopackage”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 5m 20s  

  • Save a project as a GeoPackage   Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie): “O02 Project opslaan naar geopackage”  Language(s): Dutch  Time: 3m 22s 

  • Save styles from vector layers in a GeoPackage and use them as default styles   Hans van der Kwast: “Saving styles to a GeoPackage in QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 2m 28s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:11), how to save styles (0:11-0:49), default styles (0:49-1:05), save to GeoPackage (1:05-end)  

  • Store data, styles and project in a GeoPackage   Hans van der Kwast: “Store Data, Styles and Project in a GeoPackage with QGIS”  Language(s): English  Time: 3m 7s  

Adobe Illustrator  

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based graphic design software. 

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)  

TIFF is an image file format used for storing raster graphics and image information. 


Rhino is a file format originally from Rhinoceros 3D, a commercial 3D computer graohics and CAD software. 


The qgz format is a compressed file containing a QGS, the original QGIS format, and a QGD file. The QGD file a the sqlite database of the QGIS project containing the auxiliary data of the project. 


Qt Modeling Language is a user interface markup language and is used to render feature geometries. 

  • Save styles of raster layers in QGIS in different formats   Hans van der Kwast: “Save raster styles in QGIS as QML, SLD and XML”  Language(s): English  Time: 3m 59s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:35), save as QML (0:35-2:21), save as XML (2:21-end)  


SLD stands for Styled Layer Descriptor and is an XML format used to specify the display of map layers. 

  • Save styles of raster layers in QGIS in different formats   Hans van der Kwast: “Save raster styles in QGIS as QML, SLD and XML”  Language(s): English  Time: 3m 59s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:35), save as QML (0:35-2:21), save as XML (2:21-end)  


XML is a markup language and a flexible file format. It stands for Extensible Markup Language. 

  • Save styles of raster layers in QGIS in different formats   Hans van der Kwast: “Save raster styles in QGIS as QML, SLD and XML”  Language(s): English  Time: 3m 59s  Chapters: introduction (start-0:35), save as QML (0:35-2:21), save as XML (2:21-end)  


PNG is an image file format, it stands for Portable Network Graphics. 

  • Make final adjustments to a map in the print layout and export to PNG or PDF  Hans van der Kwast: “Final Adjustments and Export the Map to PNG or PDF”  Language(s): English  Time: 2m 27s  


PDF stands for portable document format. 

  • Make final adjustments to a map in the print layout and export to PNG or PDF  Hans van der Kwast: “Final Adjustments and Export the Map to PNG or PDF”  Language(s): English  Time: 2m 27s  

> QGIS Installation

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS. 

Useful Links

GIS OpenCourseWare

QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Mariëlle Geers-Plasmans (Geojuffie) YouTube channel

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel


#QGIS, #Export, #Save, #GeoPackage, #Adobe Illustrator, #Tagged Image File Format, #TIFF, #Rhino, #qgz, #QML, #SLD, #XML, #PNG, #PDF

Hans van der Kwast. (2022, May 10). Store Data, Styles and Project in a GeoPackage with QGIS [Video]. YouTube.

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