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QGIS | Workflow automatisation

QGIS_workflow automatisation.png

> Objective


  • This section shows how to work with the processing modeler. This tool allows to create a workflow that avoids the users to repeat the same steps after each time they want to apply the same process.     


> Index / Table of Contents


  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s) 

  • QGIS Installation  


> Summary and Highlights



The workflow of complex and/or repetitive data processes can be modelled in the graphical modeler. As a results, users do not have to repeat the many and/or difficult steps each time they want to apply the same process.  




> QGIS Installation


Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS.  


Useful Links


QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website) 




#QGIS, #Workflow automatisation 

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