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QGIS | Processing framework

QGIS_processing framework.png

> Objective


  • This section addresses the QGIS processing framework 

  • The students will be introduced to different processes that can be done by using the QGIS processing framework 

  • The students will learn how to perform batch processing with the QGIS processing framework 


> Index / Table of Contents


  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s) 

  • QGIS Installation  


> Summary and Highlights



The QGIS processing framework is an environment that allows users to call native and third-party algorithms to process geographical data.  



  • Complete tutorial on the QGIS processing framework  
    QGIS Training manual: “17. The QGIS processing guide” 
    Language(s): English 
    Chapters: introduction, an important warning before starting, setting-up the processing framework, running our first algorithm the toolbox, more algorithms and data types, CRSs. reprojecting, selection, running an external algorithm, the processing log, the raster calculator no-values values, vector calculator, defining extents, HTML outputs, first analysis example, clipping and merging raster layers, hydrological analysis, starting with the graphical modeler, more complex models, numeric calculations in the modeler, a model within a model, using modeler-only tools for creating a model, interpolation, more interpolation, iterative execution of algorithms, more iterative execution of algorithms, the batch processing interface, models in the batch processing interface, pre- and post-execution script hooks, other programs, interpolation and contouring, vector simplification and smoothing, planning a solar farm, use R scripts in Processing, predicting landslides 

  • Clip Africa from several global vector layers in a single batch command  
    Ujaval Gandhi: “Batch Processing using Processing Framework (QGIS3)”/” Massa verwerken met behulp van Framework Processing (QGIS3)” 
    Language(s): English, Dutch 
    Content: overview of the task, get the data, procedure  


> QGIS Installation


Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS.  


Useful Links


QGIS Training Manual

QGIS User Guide

GIS OpenCourseWare

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website)


#QGIS, #Processing framework

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